craftcationed: a recap and my presentation notes

oooh, craftcation. what an experience you were. from the second i walked up to the registration desk i knew i’d be saying “aw rad” and “that is so cool” all weekend. and i did. and not just because i really like those adjectives. but because it was. in between teaching classes, wandering around the sleepy little beach town of ventura and other various delightfulnesses (like remarkably good indian food!), i:

  1. jarred a cabbage to make sauerkraut (i left it in my car overnight, so hopefully the nutty freezing cold weather didn’t kill all of the sauerkraut-making bacteria)
  2. learned how to make mozzarella cheese (albeit a microwaved version that i cannot make, being microwave-less. nonetheless, still rad.)
  3. got new bookkeeping forms and a crash course in bookkeeping (no parenthetical here, it was a great class!)
  4. performed with alicia (no parenthetical here either, except that it was a super fun set)
  5. designed and manufactured my new content buttons (i turned my hotel room into a button factory. wanted to have something to trade for the official happy hour!), and, best of all …
  6. got to see and meet a grip of incredible (and incredibly talented) women (to be discussed in subsequent posts).

even with all that, there was so much i didn’t get to do …  so many classes i wanted to take … and so many more questions i wanted to answer!

well, luckily for me, delilah is doing a ton of classes at the Road Less Traveled‘s new location, so i can still get my DIY fix. and, luckily for all of you who asked ;), i will be answering the questions i got at craftcation in blog posts over the next few months.

but, just to get us started, here is what everyone has (apparently, judging by the emails) been waiting for … my presentation slides!

Sé_Reed_Media_SEO – Craftcation 2012

Sé_Reed_Media_WordPress I – Craftcation 2012

but wait! That’s only WordPress I and SEO … what about WordPress II? well, that’s coming, but … well, i guess i’m just a tease. plus, trust me, that’s plenty to start. and i’ll put WordPress II up soon.

let me know if you have any questions about anything!

if you were at craftcation, thank you for being a part of the awesome. if you weren’t, there is always next year.




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