100 WPwatercooler episodes? What?!

Really? 100 WPwatercooler episodes? This is a bigger milestone than crossing the 5 million views mark! And not just because Google recalculated views and now we haven’t actually crossed the 5 million views mark!

100 episodes seems like a significant amount of content.  I haven’t been on all of them, but I’ve only missed a handful (half of which were this past summer). I suppose this being a milestone and all, I should probably count. I think Jason Tucker is making something that will auto-calculate it, so I’ll post it then.

That’s 100 Monday mornings! Well, actually, I think we counted some of the remote broadcast we did as episodes, so maybe there were a couple Saturdays in there too. 🙂 3,000 minutes of WordPress and various teas.

We’re still here!


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