Author: Sé Reed
GoDaddy’s Big Guns on the ‘cooler
We had the GoDaddy’s Senior VP of Hosting on the Watercooler today!
Some folks say I gave them a hard time … I say I didn’t give nearly the hard time they’ve been giving me and my clients for years! (And I didn’t ask nearly as many hard questions as I could have!) Check it out and judge for yourself!
WPWatercooler: WordPress Design Trends! (Ep 111)
In which we talk parallax, sliders, UI and I touch myself with Chris Ford, Tracey Lavesque, Suzette Franck, Robert Neinhouse, Jason Tucker and Steve Zenghut.
100 WPwatercooler episodes? What?!
Really? 100 WPwatercooler episodes? This is a bigger milestone than crossing the 5 million views mark! And not just because Google recalculated views and now we haven’t actually crossed the 5 million views mark!
100 episodes seems like a significant amount of content. I haven’t been on all of them, but I’ve only missed a handful (half of which were this past summer). I suppose this being a milestone and all, I should probably count. I think Jason Tucker is making something that will auto-calculate it, so I’ll post it then.
That’s 100 Monday mornings! Well, actually, I think we counted some of the remote broadcast we did as episodes, so maybe there were a couple Saturdays in there too. 🙂 3,000 minutes of WordPress and various teas.
We’re still here!
WPwatercooler Episode 84: Choosing a WordPress Hosting Plan
Hey it’s Monday again, and that means we did another WPwatercooler! Booyah! Episode 84 … and we are quickly approaching 100!
Today we talked about hosting. As always, a gamut of opinions and a tangential approach. I’m not kidding when I tell the small business folk I work with that there is no one opinion about hosting … whether it’s WordPress-focused or any other kind!
It’s a pretty good episode, despite the fact that my sound settings continue to be unoptimal. And also, I made this face:
Smirk City. Someday maybe I’ll learn not to make faces at the camera. Until then, enjoy the hosting conversation!
Craftcation 2014: E-Commerce – Sell Your Sh*t Online
Craftcation!! How I love thee!
Craftcation is a four-day conference for handmade makers, micro-businesses and other Creative Makers!! Craftcation is honestly one of the most fun, rewarding and inspiring events I’ve ever attended and hands-down the best conference I’ve ever experienced. This is Craftcation’s third year and I was honored to be asked back to present for the third time!
My first presentation this year was E-Commerce: Sell Your Sh*t Online:
There are countless options out there for selling your products and services online, and more are added everyday. But how do you know which one to use? Should you do it yourself? Should you use a service? And what the heck is PCI-compliance anyway? This session will provide a breakdown of the features and foibles of various e-commerce approaches (including platforms like Shopify, Squarespace, and WordPress) to help you figure out which solution is right for you and your business.
Here are the slides … if you were there and have any comments or questions, please let me know!!